This is simply a place to store loot from my cavorting hither and thither.

I drag Peter along with me. It is good for him.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The West Desert

Adventures in the desert on the way to Wendover for Peter's 28th birthday. First we stopped by the Great Salt Lake:


We stopped to take a picture of Metaphor about 30 minutes outside of Wendover, NV. Apparently you are not supposed to stop; it is emergency pull-over only. I stopped quickly...

We stopped at the Bonneville Salt Flats several miles down the interstate from Metaphor. That is salt on the ground, not snow, in the pics (of course you folks from Utah know this).

Then we went to what was supposed to be a ghost town...but there were some people living there. It was kind of like a shanty town down a long-ass dirt road. The stores and post office closed shop in the 1940's.
Welcome to Gold Hill:

Peter on the look out for zombies or rifle-toting locals of the ghost town:

Leaving Gold Hill...

To Wendover for some drinks, penny slots, and great steak dinners.
And Wendover Will:
There was also this sign on the way home by Dugway, Utah:
Which is kind of random, but concludes the trip nonetheless.

About Gold Hill:

Salt Flats:

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