This is simply a place to store loot from my cavorting hither and thither.

I drag Peter along with me. It is good for him.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Craters of the Moon National Monument

While in Idaho, we also visited this unique park. We were driving by the small farming community of Carey when the earth was bisected by lava fields on one side, prarie on the other.
 I was reminded of the song Black Planet by the Sisters of Mercy the whole time I was here.
'Twas a badass black landscape.
We saw a few volcanic spatter cones in the park. One of which had snow at the bottom even though it was about 85 degress outside and felt even hotter due to the black backdrop.
There were large lava streams spread across volcanic soil and the only vegetation that grew was a type of sage and dwarf buckwheat.
Bitchin' lava pockets on the spatter cones:
Interesting shit, folks.

For more information go here:

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