This is simply a place to store loot from my cavorting hither and thither.

I drag Peter along with me. It is good for him.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Las Vegas February 2010

Several times a year Peter and I go looting in Las Vegas. We go drinkin' with ne'er-do-wells and scallywags and take in what ever there is to be had.
'Twas an aunt and uncle be givin' us our first round:
And two mateys be givin' us our second:
'Twere the King himself presented for our eyes his booty:
Thought we might be cast to Davy Jones' Locker while on the deck of the Stratosphere and her rides:
Thar be some grand sites from the poopdeck:
We swaggered down to Freemont Street:
'Twere a fanatic blaggard:
Then we scourged the strip:
Alas, we sailed home.
"What the?...what the fuck are we doing out here in the middle of the desert?"

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