This is simply a place to store loot from my cavorting hither and thither.

I drag Peter along with me. It is good for him.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dinosaur National Monument

The American Dream in action:
This was the 6th annual Dinosaur camping trip. It took place over Memorial Day weekend 2009.

Some of the players:
And now for the scenery:
There were desert flowers scattered across the rocky hillsides:    
The famous Fremont petroglyphs:
Pictures from Josie's cabin (Josie Bassett lived in the Brown's Park area of Utah which was famous in her day as a stomping ground of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and the Wild Bunch. Many famous cattle rustlers also lived in this area):
Chicken coop:
A fence along the property on the way to the back of the canyon in which the property sits.
This is one of my favorite photographs.
Rock wall in the back of the canyon:
And, last but not least, the alien centibug that made his way through our campsite:
For more info on Dinosaur National Monument:

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