This is simply a place to store loot from my cavorting hither and thither.

I drag Peter along with me. It is good for him.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bear Lake, Utah

Kerri, Sean, Peter and I went to Bear Lake for some summer camping. I had never been there and didn't know what to expect. The drive through the Cache Valley was gorgeous:

The lake was nice, however the campsites are right next to eachother and apparently this is a favorite destination of boy scout troops and large families.... Also, there were mosquitos, lots of them. You can see them in the picture below, they are the white blurry spots behind Mr. Jack Daniels:

The lake had beaches :

The campsite:

Logan Canyon was also beautiful and we stopped to see this spring on the side of the road:

And there you have it. I went there, saw the shit, don't know that I necessarily need to go again.